Prescription vitamin injections can help reduce stress, fatigue, improve memory, increase metabolism and cardiovascular health and maintain a good body weight. They can also assist the body in converting proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy and is necessary for healthy skin and eyes.
If you are a new client or have not been seen in over one year, the initial evaluation is $50 in addition to the cost of the injection.
It helps your body use fat and carbohydrates for energy and make new protein. It may help with weight loss and give you energy. Vitamin B12 is better absorbed in the injection form versus oral form. The prescription dose stays in your body for 4 weeks. You cannot receive too much Vitamin B12. You can receive an injection once a week.
The cost of one injection in the office is $10. You can purchase B12 for home use, and the cost is $10. It can be mixed with Vit B Complex, Vit C, Vit D and/or MIC.
It helps your body metabolize fats, carbohydrates, protein; helps with energy and helps with sleep. Vitamin B Complex is better absorbed in the injection form versus oral form. The prescription dose stays in your body for 4 weeks. You cannot receive too much Vitamin B Complex. You can receive an injection every 2 weeks.
The cost of one injection is $15. It can be mixed with Vitamin B12, Vit C, Vit D and/or MIC.
It helps your body build muscle and absorb iron better as well as help fight infection. You cannot receive too much Vitamin C. You can receive an injection every 2 weeks.
The cost of one injection is $15. It can be mixed with Vitamin B12, B Complex and/or MIC.
It is a vitamin that will help fight against cancer and Covid. It helps with bone and muscle health. Studies have shown that it helps to lower blood pressure and prevent weight gain. You can receive an injection once a month.
The cost of one injection is $20. It can be mixed with Vitamin B12, B Complex, and Vitamin C.
Methonine, Inositol and Choline (MIC) are minerals that you have in your body that help metabolize fat and can help with weight loss. You can receive an injection every 2 weeks.
The cost of one injection is $20. It can be mixed with Vitamin B12, B Complex and/or Vitamin C.
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